Meeting a man
We had friends over for dinner last night. Just as we sat down to eat they got a call. Their daughter had been in an accident. Nothing major. She hydroplaned and hit a curb. Just a bent back tire and no one was injured. I went with the dad and Dorothy stayed with the mom.
As I drove with my friend I said, "I am reminded, once again, God is in control. The accident could have been worse or, not have happened." He agreed.
To make a long story short we had the car towed by AAA. The man who came was very nice. Before he came we had taken the daughter on to her destination and we had forgotten to get the car keys from her so we had to call the mom and Dorothy and they had to go get a second set so we could put the car in neutral. That gave us a lot of time with the wrecker driver. We got to know all about Nigeria, his family and why he works here while they live there. Not that we would have drawn the bridge diagram, but before we were at the end of hearing his story, the keys were back and he was loading up the car.
We could never have met this man. He could be in a village in Nigeria. Every thing that happens, happens under the providential mind and heart of God. Who knows what will happen to him? More relevant is what will happen to me because of the evening? Well, I was encouraged to be more engaging to all I meet.
He upholds all things by His righteous right arm and He asks us to be friendly, to get to know people, to take opportunities to love in word and deed.
Maybe you will meet someone today and have 10 minutes with them. Can I encourage you as I encourage me to take advantage of that time? Blessings