
Drawing Deep

We don't always feel like worshipping, do we? We know God is always good, but our circumstances are not, and relationships often get sticky. So although we should still worship in the midst of it, the reality is we don't feel like it, so we don't.

This is at the core of our problems as humans...what we give our honor and attention to is most often not worthy of it. It's been said our hearts are "idol factories" searching unceasingly for a source that will satisfy, and Jeremiah tells us they are deceitful and desperately sick. We forsake the living fountain and make broken cisterns that cannot hold water nor quench our deep inner thirst.

So with this congenital condition, compounded by life's circumstances, it's quite a miraculous work that must happen if our hearts are to be "tuned to sing His praise." We need something or someOne to help us draw deep into the well to spring up true Worship.

As of yesterday, Laura's new songs are now available to the world, and we're believing they will be an agent to do this. These songs were created by a heart as feeble as anys in the midst of life's toughest trials, but they are fortified with an unyielding admonition to worship God no matter what life brings. Amid the memorable melodies and organic arrangements, there are honest lyrics infused with Truth and hope in a God that is sovereign even in uncertain times. She sings of a good God that we can come to in our desperation and find relief from despair; a God that gives us perfect peace as we walk with Him. He's faithful to make something beautiful out of our brokenness and His grace is always sufficient. The anthem of this album is, that no matter the situation, God is a Mighty God, worthy of our Worship. She knows that Worship is the way out for the believer as we take our eyes off of us and life, and fix them on the One Who is.

That's powerful. And we believe it because we know and have watched her and Martin's journey. Now we hope others will share in this journey and give glory to God through this gift of music. So spread the word, and prayerfully these songs will be a means for many to plunge deep in tough times and worship well.