
Still Convalescing

I am still convalescing but doing better. Today was a good day to spend some time thinking and looking ahead. I am looking forward to being better and being able to get out of the house soon. After five days of beng a shut it, I am reminded that there is only so much you can do from home, even if you do have an internet connection.

I am hoping to spend time with people like my good friend Pat next week and my discipleship group on Wednesday night. We have a wonderful weekend planned with friends coming in from all around the world and I would not want to miss that. Relationships.

I spent some time in Romans today and noted how at the very end Paul sends greetings to alot of people. When you read it, you get the sense he really knew these people. They had "done Kingdom" together. Relationships.

We are not meant to live in isolation, or even with just a family. We are built for community and this week has reminded me of that. I hope when I get back in, I will stay as grateful and excited and anxious as I am now to see people again, to smile, to encourage, to pray and to be loved by others.

Maybe you are in community now, you have not have the convalescing time I have had. Please know I am not talking from a holier than thou position. I have simply been given the gift of intestinal virus that has set me apart for days and the Holy Spirit has used the suffering to show me my need for people as well Him.
