

I have never been more excited to see the 9 o'clock hour on a Friday morning before. I turned in my exam. I was done. Done with finals. Done with my classes for the semester. Ready to go home. Ready to rest. As I said yesterday, this has been a long week. Hours of studying, of learning information, some of which I forgot the moment I turned in the test. I was anxiously awaiting this morning and it finally came. Now I am at home, enjoying time with my family.

In the midst of studying this week, I made sure to set aside time to spend with my Daddy, my Heavenly Father. I won't lie. There were some moments when I thought, "If I spend time with the Lord, He will bless me with good grades, so I need to put Him first." Terrible I know. Not the right mindset. But I thought it.

Then I realized that that is not the reason I am supposed to open His Word and read it. It is to learn about Him. What He did and is doing everyday. I feel like I get so caught up in school and being better then the person sitting next to me. Trying to get the grades that I think will make me a successful person, when really that doesn't matter in eternity. Sure God wants me to learn those things, He created and loves them. He would much rather spend time with me though. Teaching me, loving on me, forgiving me, and covering me in His grace. He wants to reveal His plan to me for my life. He wants me to rest in Him. To not be anxious about school and grades.

So I go into the Christmas Season with that mindset. To spend time with Him. Not expecting blessings, even though He might. Just to study His Word, to hear what He has to say to me, to learn more about Him. After all, that's what this time of the year is about. Seeing our need of a Savior. The role which He so perfectly filled. Being anxious about the moment when He will come again to finish fulfilling His promise.

When I go back in January and begin new classes, I will continue to make Him the priority and to continue to worship Him through my studies. I will dive into His Word, getting to know Him better and becoming more excited about His second coming. Then, on that day, I will truly be Home with my Daddy and the rest of the family. Until that time, I will look for Him in everything, even Finance 3000.