

Not a "much read" book. I have to admit, it is not one I constantly go to. But, I do want to be faithful to read through the bible and you have to go through Ezekiel to get there.

As I have dipped in the appellation "Sovereign Lord" has come to the forefront. He is Lord. King. Master. He is the ruler. And not just any ruler. He is the "sovereign" ruler. He is the one who exercises supreme, ultimate and permanent authority. He decrees disaster and then redeems.

In a sad chapter (10) he takes His glory from the temple and goes. No one can control Him. He is independent. He does as he pleases.

So what can we do with a God who is sovereign? Ezekiel had good words (for us) as he fell face down, "Ah Sovereign Lord!" and then he asks God a question. A good approach I think. Acknowledge again today that He is sovereign over all things including your current blessing or disaster. Then ask Him. Ask Him for what you need and want. Ask Him about what He is doing. Ask Him if he will continue on that path or if He will change.

Our prayers matter. Ask Him to increase, relent, give, show, or stop, even if you see and feel the opposite. He can do all things. He waits for us to come and ask. He is the Sovereign Lord. Worship Well.