A church for all ages
We had a good discussion this morning about church and how some may feel they need to reach a demographic with their worship, programs etc. (ie) "Our target is the 35 year old married male" or "We like to reach young families, we aim our programming in that direction."
It is hard to think through how you have a church that reaches and ministers to all generations because our culture has so segmented the population. If you are over 55 you can eat off the Senior Menu at IHOP. Under 21? You get a discount from the airlines. Segmentation is a marketers dream because he or she can focus the message and create a sound suitable to the target's ear.
Not so the church. We are called to minister from 0 years old to dead. We are the church and we are called to be in community. To live and work and pray and play together. I heard a young guy say today, "I don't want to be in a church where there are not alot of old people." Good wisdom from a young man.
The whole thing is easier said then done. Music? Programs? Missions? There may be differences of view but, I think if we all agree it is about the King, not His subjects then we can begin to work together to reach all for the King.