On The Road Again
Our friends at Wikipedia define a pilgrimage as "A journey to a sacred place or shrine of importance to a person's beliefs and faith. Members of every major religion participate in pilgrimages. A person who makes such a journey is called a pilgrim."
We know Muslims make a pilgrimage (the Haj) to Mecca and Hindus go to the Gangotri (source of the Ganges river). What about Christians? Some might say Christians make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land or to Rome to visit the ancient sites. I would say we are on a pilgrimage. We are pilgrims headed to the City of God. Of course Augustine, Bunyan and others describe it better then I would, so I am just joining with the majority of great Christian thinkers when I say, we are on the road.
I want to encourage you to think about that as you go out today or tomorrow. Would you begin to think of yourself as a pilgrim? Going to work, school or London is not the destination, it is a stop along the way. An opportunity for you to learn, to share and to expose yourself to others for who you are: a pilgrim.
Some of the people you meet will be on the way to Mecca or the Ganges river. They are looking for something. Something you may be able to share with them. You may find some people are so captivated by the story of your pilgrimage that they might want to start one too. "Join you on the way" so to speak.
Worship well as you walk.