
I am Christian

I had the pleasure of producing this weekend's worship. It does not get better then Martin's wife, Mrs Brown's husband, Carol's beau, children of parents singing as a choir and daughters dancing.

Relationships. I am or have been someone's son, husband, uncle, nephew, grandson, father, friend. They more than define us, they are us. Our religion is one of community and mixture. Laura has some of Martin. What she creates, who she is, how she speaks, is in part him. The two have become one. I am made up of parts of my relationships. I see my dad, mom, daughters, wife all in me. Because I have been with them, they have marinated me. My soul is different then it would have been.

When we come together to worship we touch one another and impact and change one another. Mrs Brown's husband did me when he said, "One day Jesus will get up from the good "sit" He has going, stretch, and say, 'I am going down!'" The choir led by the moms impacted me when they sang "Alleluia!" We are changed to different people by being with people.

Jesus changes us too as we are with Him. He uses others, He uses His word and He Himself makes His presence felt. He can overwhelm the impact others have had on us. His impact is eternally deep. I am Jesus' brother. I am a child of God.

Mrs Elvington's husband and I were talking yesterday and we wondered if the next time someone asked our occupation we should say, "Christian." At least I am trying to be one. How about son of God? Would that be too much?

I walked into Starbucks the other day and saw a sign with a woman's picture on it. Caption: "I am Starbucks" I am not quite sure what they mean by that, other then they want this woman to lose her identity in coffee. Not for me. I want to lose my identity in Christ. I am Christian. Above all, I pray I remember and live like "I am Christian"

Last thought. It is not a tag. It is a lifestyle that has deep relational roots. I am Christian means I am Christ's. So I want Him to marinate my soul so that I become more like Him. I am Christian.