
Presbytery What Fun!

I have a coffee mug that says, "You can not scare me, I have been to Presbytery" For the uninitiated, we are Presbyterians (Surprise!!). That means alot of different things. Some of them theological and some of them relational. One of the relational things it means is that our church is part of (connected to) other churches. In fact we are connected to 31 other churches in an organization called the Metro Atlanta Presbytery. We meet once a quarter.

Today was great. We were real. We sang, we confessed, we wept. We came to the Lord's table. It was rich.

At the end of the time, a brother shared the story of one of the men who was a hostage in Iran in the late 70's for 444 days. The Iranian hostage crisis. They gave him a hard time. Torture. Deprivation. They knew he was a high ranking officer. He said what kept him going was remembering one thing, "I am an American soldier."

That got me thinking, as I processed our time at Presbytery and I came up with two thoughts. (1) There is a movement happening in Atlanta and (2) we have to remember we are Christians, bought with a price. Those two thoughts will keep us going; we belong to Jesus and he is in the move. Blessings