
Exile on main street?

My wife loves Texas. She gets a gleam in her eye and a thump in her heart when she meets someone here who is from Texas. Immediately, she connects with them: where they went to school, cities in Texas they lived in, traffic patterns etc. Have you ever had moments like that. I do when it comes to Green Bay. When I meet someone who is from that area we connect: The Packers. (By the way they did have a good year)

Those of us who are from some where else (many of us) and are now here, have a bit of a sense of being in exile. I wanted to give a bit of thought today to what it means to be an exile. Part of what it means is that you are not home. You are not in your own country or city or family. Daniel and his friends felt like that I am sure. While most of us came to Atlanta voluntarily, they went to Babylon against their will. So they were hurting and sad as they lived in exile.

The good thing for Daniel was he knew he Lord and he knew where his real home was. It was not Jerusalem. So my home is not Green Bay. dorothy's is not Dallas. Our home is heaven and until we get there we are and must remain exiles. That is good to note. When we start living like the locals or yearning for anther city we make alot of mistakes and we mistakenly assume a citizenship that is not ours.

This week Randy will begin a series on Daniel. I believe it will help us think about our exile on main street and how we can live by the power that only comes from our Master's hand. I look forward to it and I encourage you to read ahead a bit. Blessings