
Presbytery and Afflictions

I had the privelege to attend a meeting of men today who are leaders in the PCA. The man who gave the devotional suggested that we are called to do the work of Christ (not the work of the "church") He read from Colossians, "I fill up what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church" Christ's body is called the church. So it is not a building or even people. It is Christ. And the work is His work. Not ours.

I often get that wrong. I speak of my work, my ministry, my calling. The reality is that it is His work, ministry and calling. I (we) are called (comissioned) to serve. To do what? To present the word of God in its fullness to people (Colossians 1:25). It is His word, I am merely the presenter.

Christ is the hope of glory (1:27) Not me or you and it is good for us to remember that. Christ is the hope of glory. Our role is to present the gospel and to present "everyone" (v28) perfect in Christ. That is sanctifying work.

Finally, we are called to labor, to struggle with all His energy. Remembering again that it is His energy that powerfully works within us. That is all good news. So I encourage you to think today about whose work you have been toiling for. To move into a sense of gratitude for Him and the work. Blessings