
Open House

Our house was open today. The house of the Lord and we had visitors. It was a wonderful time and I am so grateful to all who made it happen. Debra Potter rocks! She was wonderful. Thanks so much to the Academy of the Arts the Advent Musical was overwhelming to many. Shea G did a beautiful thing for God in The Hangar with our children's choir and as always, Valerie told the tale of the tailor well in Gloucester!

Music by Janet and the boys, dancing in the hall, Allan and the choir, Jeff W quartet was tasty as were the cookies provided by women's ministry, clean up by men and coffee by Gene. Our partners were wonderful in the community and our global friends are so loved by all. I am sure I am missing someone....oh yeah, those tech guys........No words can describe how well they loved today (even late today as they re-built the set for tomorrow).

I am sure there really is someone I am forgetting, forgive me...and bless you all!