

Fill in the blanks with the word "here"

It is _____.

He is _____.

We are _____.

They are _____.

And being present and accounted for is a good thing on a night like tonight.

We went to the Freeman's house after dinner and John read "The night before Christmas" to my kids. Fourteen years now we have done that with just one "miss." Our oldest was sick, so we had to put her on speaker phone. She wanted to be present but she has a virus and we thought it too dangerous to have her near John. He is undergoing chemo for cancer. He read well. We laughed alot. We told each other "I love you" and we exchanged small gifts. We hugged. It was a good night. It is hard to tell how many more Christmas Eves we will have like tonight. Everyone may not be _____ next year. Who knows. Only God. He planned tonight just as He planned the birth of Christ. He is _____. Good news, no matter what 2007 brings. Merry Christmas.