
Fill 'er up

My daughter got her learner's permit. So, on the way home from school (me driving) I pulled into a gas station and said, "Fill 'er up" She looked at me for a second. "If you are going to drive it, you have to be able to fill it up" We dripped a bit of gasoline on the ground, but together we got the job done.

Off we went. (her driving for the first time with me) "Keeping it between the ditches" as they say in Texas. And I thought, "You have to fill it up and you need a coach early on to keep it between the ditches"

Sometimes you are the learner and sometimes the teacher. He is always the Teacher and He calls us to be learners and teachers. Part of that means that I need to make sure I know how to fill up the tank be I a learner or a teacher. "Present your bodies as living sacrifices" Know the word, consider it, present your members. Randy P teaches it rightly.

"Be filled with the Spirit" Listen to the Teacher. He will enable me to keep it between the ditches. Simple truths. All riding in a 1992 Volvo, shotgun, with a 15 year old. Blessings