Give what you have
David preached a good message today, and I have had some time to reflect on it this afternoon. For those of you "in absentia" it was from the story in John 6 of Jesus feeding the thousands and the boy who had some barley loaves and fish. David commented that one small voice given to God can make a difference.
As I reflected today I thought of the lone voice of one crying in the wilderness. Then I thought Jesus came as "one voice" into the world and made all the difference in the world beause he so loved the world and gave Himself up to the Father. And as I said, He came in a different way; by praying for those who persecuted Him. By loving those he was hated by. A whole new way, all instigated by love for the Father.
As we enter into Advent, I encourage us to adore Him; He is the one who makes it possible for all of us to give what we have to God for Him to use. He gave Himself and was exalted. We, with joy can give ourselves because what was given to us was given with joy.
Next week, Randy is back; preaching on coveting. I need to hear that this Christmas Season. Blessings