

She knew he wouldn’t be happy about it, but she had to make the call. “Daddy? I’ve been in a car wreck. Itit was my fault.” Those are words a father does not want to hear. After determining physical safety, he asked where she was. They hopped in the car, mom and dad, and headed down to do what only a parent can do.

It was just a fender bender, and both cars were drivable. After giving insurance information, he slid into the drivers seat of her car, with her in the passenger’s seat, for the long ride home. Her first words, “I know it is kind of lame to say, but I am sorry.” That’s always a good start.

Of course
, there was a lecture. Parents are parents. Some instruction never hurt anyone, did it? Maybe it did, but it made his sin nature feel better. That is the truth. She listened and took it all in. As he spoke, a strange thing happened. It was as if he was talking to himself. Not that she was not listening. It was that he was listening to himself. “You need to be more careful; always be transparent. Listen to counsel; be a bit more circumspect.” Silence followed. “God protected you tonight; it could have been worse. Grace abounds; it was just a fender bender.” More silence. “You know we are for you. We always have been and always will be. There are some financial consequences here. We will have to work that out.”

“I know.”
She said.

Then this, “Thanks for coming.”

He asked.

“Thanks for coming to get me.”
She said.

filled the car.

“You know, no matter what, you can
always call, and we will always come. Never be afraid to pick up the phone no matter where you are or what you’ve done.”

A reassuring silence filled the car. She knew she could call, whenever. She knew she was loved forever. Sometimes
, she might struggle to believe it or live like it, but she knew she was loved. The father knew he was loved too, and that he was able to love. No greater love has a man than what has been given to him by the Lord. He remembered times that he had made the call. The Father had always answered, and He had always come. What love, peace, security, and joy He gives us.

If you are afraid to make the call, we urge you today to know that He
is for you. You can pick up the phone called prayer. Perhaps, as He answers and comforts you in your wrecked life and as you are reassured you are loved forever, He will bring a reassuring silence to your soul.

Worship Well