
A New Mantra

Most of you know what a mantra is. I think this might redeem it in the Christian context:

"He came for me. I celebrate Him!"

That is not exactly a mantra, but I think it could be a good "device" to lodge in my brain. Note in the first sentence I am the object, in the second He is. It is good for me to remember the first and move to the second.

When I am struggling with insecurity, "He came for me! I celebrate Him" When I begin to idolize other stuff like football, "He came for me. I celebrate Him!" When I think I have a lack of clarity, "He came for me. I celebrate Him!" and when I am tempted to do things I shouldn't, "He came for me. I celebrate Him!"

I am sure you can make up your own phrases. If you turn this into a bumper sticker though and make a million, remember me. Blessings