
Beggars and thieves

I had the pleasure of leading our congregation to the Lord's Table this morning. Each week we take the table in our 10:45a gym service. I encourage you to come.

As I was preparing to go up to administer the sacrament, this thought came, "The table is for beggars but not thieves." 

I am a beggar, needing the nourishment the Lord gives through the table. I am also a thief. I have stolen idols and put them on my shelf for me alone to admire, I have absconded with love that belongs to my fellow man, I have hoarded talents that are to be given to the community. 

How can a thief come to the table? With goods in hand and a repentant heart.

We need to bring back what we have stolen from the Lord. It is against Him we have sinned. When we do that, we find we have nothing left and we become a beggar again and that is good. 

So, can I encourage you to put your hand in your pocket and see what is there? Grab it and hand it over. In return you will be able to come and dine with Him. He will give you what is far better.