
He Died

Our neighbor died tonight. My daughter had been good friends with his daughter when they were in High School. That was years ago. We met several times and I had an opportunity to share with him.

The daughter had grown close to mine, spiritually speaking for a time. He and I had breakfast together and chatted. Just a few times, a long time ago. They held to a different belief system from us.

We went to the house tonight and spent some time with them. Asked if we could do anything. Nothing to be done really. We may minister in the days ahead. For tonight, only the funeral home had a tangible assignment.

I am thinking I could have ministered more. I could have loved more. I could have been more conversational.

I have other neighbors. Tonight I am remembering that I am to love them as myself. I am also thinking we have a widow who lives close to us now. God give us all grace and strength to love those around us. We will promise to make a bit more time.