
Faith and Deeds

This weekend we will use a music video in service. The song is Albertine written by Brooke Fraser. It tells the story of her going to Rwanda and being changed. The chorus is, "Now that I have seen, I am responsible. Faith without deeds is dead" It comes from James and it speaks a powerful word to me.

Our faith atrophies if we do not exercise it by deed. Not our salvation, but our faith. We have seen the misery of the world. We are responsible to do something and then some more. It could be Rwanda. Or London. Or Burma. Or helping the man next door. We know he is without Christ and without hope. We have seen it and we have a responsibility. If we have few deeds, we need to know our faith is diminishing.

Careful now; deeds do not produce faith. They are evidence of it and they mysteriously cause us to run to the one who has faith. He gives us more.

So I am thinking this day and hoping this weekend we will be moved. Maybe Rwanda or the man next door, but "none of the above" is not an option for Christians. We are responsible.

You can listen to the song on Itunes. Blessings