

Just the word alone is scary. Freaky. Being held captive by someone else or something else against your will. Being a slave. Not free to go and do as you please and, perhaps being forced to do things you do not want to do.

Do you want that? I don't, and yet I find myself in it sometimes. The bondage of fear, need for approval, hopelessness, money, etc.

What am I to do? Paul said this, "It is for freedom that Christ set you free!" I need to be reminded that I am free. Free to run, to dance, to live for Jesus. I am not under the law, I am not a slave to the approval of men and my Father will be my satisfaction. I have an eternal home and I can sin and be forgiven. I am free. I forget that, and I need to be reminded, often.

Easier said than done, and yes, we should be broken and have hearts of repentance. We should be sorry for our sins, but not held captive by them. Some detachment is needed I think. It is not we who live but Christ in us, the hope of glory and by His crucifixion we have been set free.

Tonight Ryan and Julia will lead you to sing to that, if you can make your way to Perimeter. Worship Well