
Lessons and Carols

This weekend we will be sharing "Lessons and Carols" with our congregation. For those unfamiliar with it, our Anglican friends in the 1800's decided that Christmas time was a good time to read the story of the incarnation, from prophets to shepherds to their people. After the minister would read a passage, the congregation or choir would sing a carol. A simple format, not an extravaganza. Lessons and carols.

As we have prayed about it and thought, we felt we should include children and dancers and musicians and others with gifts of story telling. So we have, and we are pleased to bring Variations on "Nine Lessons and Carols" this Sunday. 5p and 7p. We hope it will be helpful and thought provoking and draw people to remember the story or get it for the first time.

So come if you can. One last point: It is not high energy rock and roll and it is not intense. It is warm and inviting and Christmasy. A pleasant evening for all we hope. Blessings!