Dog Walk
We took our new dog (eight weeks old) on her first walk tonight. It was a "gracie" walk. The same road we travelled for ten years with our faithful Labrador Grace who died a few months ago. Grace loved a walk. Millie?? Well lets say she may acquire a taste. She chewed on her leash, she walked between our legs and she whined. Dorothy had to carry her up the last hill.
I thought, "This dog is not worthy to walk in the footsteps of a dog like Grace" Then I remembered, I was young and in some areas I still am. Others have gone before me of whom I am not worthy to follow in their footsteps, but I do. As followers of the One who walked the path perfectly, we all stumble, chew, and walk in the wrong lane, but we walk.
We are pilgrims and, even though sometimes we may whine and yes, occasionally, we may be carried up a hill, we walk. So I am reminded tonight. Tomorrow we may take another walk and then another. Millie will learn and so will we about the joys of the pilgrimage and we will mature. Worship Well