
Numbered Days

I am in Numbers, "We will all die! We are all lost! Anyone who even comes near the tabernacle of the Lord will die. Are we all going to die?!!"

True; false; not necessarily; yes.

This is how the Israelites responded after the Lord sent a plague because they rebelled and after He clearly labelled Aaron as the Levite in charge and Moses as leader of all. (See Numbers 17:1-12)

We will all die. That goes with saying and it is important to say because we live like we are immortal. We are not lost because Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. We can not go near the presence of God, but Jesus does on our behalf and that is better. We will all die at the time appointed for us and meet our maker. Our days are numbered.

All of that is good news because it shows God's sovereign distinguishing love for His people. Our challenge may be to live as ones who have hope, and purpose now and much more to come. As we head into Global Spotlight weekend I encourage us to reflect on the numbered days and count well......