
A good report

Randy P led a devotional time this morning and shared about what it means to not give a bad report. He quoted from a well known Christian "It is using words, tonal patterns or facial expressions to put someone else in a bad light. It is damaging someone else's reputation with information that does not need to be shared"

Well said and a great reminder. James goes on to say (1:26) "If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless." I do not want my religion to be worthless, so I have to confess and ask the Holy Spirit to do a work in me so I (a) do not give bad reports and (b) give good reports.

I have been further helped this afternoon as I thought about Jesus. He does not give a bad report on me. He could. He could put me in a bad light and expose all of my motivation, false thinking and generally poor attitude. He gives a good report, not based on what I have done, but on what has been done for me, by Him. His report on His work is very good.

That is not to say that I do not need to be challenged for bad behavior, that in fact would be a good report, so that I can get help. I need to see my sin, so I can further confess and repent and ask to be changed. That should give me plenty to keep busy with; and I may find I do not have too much time to report on others.