The Word
I spent three hours tonight with some men (8) and we studied the Word of God. Genesis to be specific. It was fabulous. There is a real joy in getting together with people to study the Word. I started by asking the question, "Can anyone give a synopsis of the movie Braveheart?" All had seen it and one guy did a great job in three minutes of giving an overview. Then others filled in more details.
Then we began talking about Genesis. And we had to open the book to flesh out the details. Once again I was encouraged to be in the Word and to study it. As John Owen said, "assiduously meditate" on it, feast on it, ruminate over it, memorize it. Now that is not to say it is the end. It is the means of grace to an end. That we would know Him.
Jesus says that all of the Old Testament is really about Him. And the New Testament writers point to Jesus as the One who is the Savior. So if we want to know Jesus, a good place is to start with the bible.
One more thing. It is not a dry dusty book. It is rich and juicy and satisfying and worthy of being relished because it turns our hearts to the One who is worthy. So I encourage you this week to prepare to worship well by opening the book with someobody else. We belong to a community religion and often I find I need a study buddy. Ask someone you know to take a look with you and enjoy sharing a the meal. Blessings