
Dark Thirty

That is what I used to call it when I had to wake up early. It was "dark thirty" this morning when I had to drive my daughter to cross country training. On her cross country team, if you miss a day, you need to make it up in the morning when you can and, she had been sick last week so hence our early morning moment.

We pulled up to the stadium where others were waiting in their cars for the coach to arrive. When she pulled up, everyone dutifully got out of their cars and slowly walked in. My daughter mumbled, "Love ya" as she got out of the car and I watched her head off into the darkness.

Flash: She was leaving the "home" community and entering the "other" community. Not that it is a bad community, it is just not the home community and it seems to be potentially a bit darker out there then when I was young. So I am praying that as children leave the home and go to the other that the Holy Spirit would go before them. It is dark out there.

By the way I did say, "Love you too" And I do.