
Gentle Correction

I have been thinking about gentle correction. No one likes correction except when we can clearly see the benefit. "Help me learn to hit the curveball coach!" When it is unsolicited correction, we tend to recoil or worse. Why is that? I think it is because we do not want to be controlled. We want to do things our way. 

How about flipping it around for a second? How do we correct others gently? Not so well. We tend to avoid it, because we think they will recoil or worse,  or we come down too hard. It is hard to correct gently.

Our Father does that. All the time. Never too harsh, but always correcting us through the Word and prayer and others.  He knows we will recoil and worse but He is not afraid to speak the truth in love. To tell us what we need to hear. To correct us. 

So, can I encourage you to ask Him to gently correct you? That is scary, but His loving voice will not be too harsh. Let him guide you and you will hit the curve ball and more. Blessings