

I am at a gathering of leaders and have had the opportunity to listen and think a bit. Good for our souls to be able to do that I think. One question among many:

Have I peaked? Have I peaked spiritually? Sounds like a strange question, except when you begin looking at the lives of some of those who have gone before us. David, Solomon, Asa, Hezekiah, Noah and others to name a few. Somewhere along the highway they "peaked" spiritually and had a decline towards the end of their lives.

I wonder if it would be a good prayer to ask God to let me "peak" at the moment of my death. I do not want to be less Godly than I am (not to say I am very Godly) so, I wonder how we should pray?

Sanctification is a work of God's grace whereby he enables us more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness. I think we can make some progress in fits and starts with some "leaps" from time to time. That has been my story. But, I do not see much evidence of a straight line "up" for my soul in terms of sanctification. Sometimes I am doing worse than others times.

Perhaps we are called to pray and work here. I know I do not want to do what ever the opposite of "grow in grace and knowledge of Him" is.

So, what could help as you age in the faith?

Stay in community, keep reading and learning, talk it out, pray it out, stretch it out, don't rest on laurels and keep a healthy diet. Work out your salvation. Be killing sin by the power of the Spirit so it is not killing you.

I am sure there is more for us to plumb. I just wanted to get you thinking. Worship Well.