

A tornado ripped through down town Atlanta this week. CNN, the Georgia Dome and other buildings were damaged. It was completely unexpected. As I looked at the pictures, I was reminded that no one is in control here. The strongest man-made structure collapses under the weight of nature. Nature wins. I am sure we will keep trying to build a hurricane proof building, but no one has done that yet.

On a spiritual level, no one can stand up to the advance of the King. He overpowers all in His path. We are not in control. Satan thought he was before Jesus came. He may even have thought he was as Jesus came riding in on a donkey and died.

It was completely unexpected wasn't it? No one expected Him to show up on Sunday. Thank Him He did. And thank God He overwhelms us by the power of His love and sacrifice. No need for us to try and build God proof hearts. Nothing can stop the love of Jesus.