
Liturgy Feb 03, 2008

Call to Worship
Leader:The work of the Creator is visible.
All:Let us respond with praise.

Leader:The example of Jesus is apparent.
All:Let us respond with obedience.

Leader:The wind of the Spirit is blowing
All:Let us respond with joy.

Leader: The word of God is calling.
All:Let us worship in spirit and in truth.

Confessional Reading
Leader: Lord, even as we sing that You are a mighty fortress, our sins are hidden in the dark dungeons of our own fortresses.
All: We stand opposed. But we do not want to.

Leader: Would you, with one little word, overwhelm and correct us?
All: God we admit today that we bear the guilt of our actions, and now we see that the walls we have built up are not able to withstand the power of your love.

Leader: We receive that love now. As best we can, we open up the gate and invite you to flood into every corner of our lives.
All: Forgive us Lord Jesus and heal us by the power of your Spirit.