

It could be my favorite food. Sushi is in the running. My wife makes the best. (I know you are saying, "Not so, I do!") We had it tonight for dinner. Some onion, salsa, tomato, avacado etc. Here is the deal: It is irresistable.

We had a guest coming for dinner, and she called to say she was late. Our (mine and my daughter's thought) was, "Lets eat it, we are hungry and our guest will never know she missed it!" My wife stopped us from sinning, of course. But, we got a taste. And it was delicious. We were held back from the full guacamole until our special guest arrived.

I have to admit there have been times when we ate it all before the guest came. Sad, I know. We were so focused on what we wanted that other people did not matter. Selfish. We enjoyed but it was selfish.

So what are we called to do? Give up some guacamole for others. Especially during this time of year. You don't need it all, even though your stomach says you do. Share. Wait. Bless others. There is more guacamole.